超好聽,先聽後補文 ^^
直到前幾天,一部我很期待必看的電影《真愛旅程 Revolutionary Road》的預告片一出來,聽見那配樂才又喚醒記憶。雖然本片是主打「(鐵達尼號)傑克與蘿絲再續前緣」,但配上這首歌就絕不會是愛情喜劇,片名已告訴你是「革命之路」了,更何況導演是山姆曼德斯(Sam Mendes《美國心,玫瑰情》導演,也是溫斯雷的正牌老公)!
離題了。於是,我開始上網尋找,才發現這歌的版本之多的嚇人,許多歌手都翻唱過:David Bowie、Geroge Michael、Barbra Streisand、Cat Power等。這首歌首次出現在1957年同名電影《Wild Is The Wind》,原唱者是Johnny Mathis。原版曲風清新脫俗,Johnny Mathis的歌聲輕柔婉轉,搭配口琴、管弦樂及女聲合音,彷彿置身童話森林般,如沐春風。
而我要介紹的這個版本是1966年由Nina Simone(妮娜西蒙/妮娜席夢,爵士靈魂歌手、鋼琴演奏家)翻唱,與原唱風格完全不同。Nina嗓音低沉渾厚,她時而跳脫節奏的拉長音,在句尾獨特的顫音,加上流水般的(她本人演奏)鋼琴聲,令整首曲子透出一股悽涼哀傷,與無盡期的思念。如果說原版是「熱戀中的情意告白」;Nina版就是「有緣無份的遺憾」,只能將情意訴諸歌曲,隨風而逝......。
完整版試聽Wild Is The Wind
※Written by Dimitri Tiomkin and Ned Washington
Love me love me love me
Say you do
Let me fly away
With you
For my love is like
The wind
And wild is the wind
Give me more
Than one caress
Satisfy this
Let the wind
Blow through your heart
For wild is the wind
Touch me...
I hear the sound
Of mandolins
Kiss me...
With your kiss
My life begins
You're spring to me
All things
To me
Don't you know you're
Life itself
Like a leaf clings
To a tree
Oh my darling,
Cling to me
For we're creatures
Of the wind
And wild is the wind
So wild is the wind
Touch me...
I hear the sound
Of mandolins
Kiss me...
And your kiss
My life begins
That is spring to me
All things
To me
Don't you know you're
Life itself
Like a leaf clings
To a tree
Oh my darling,
Cling to me
For we're creatures
Of the wind
And wild is the wind
So wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
相關文章:狂野之風(Wild Is the Wind) - 從台灣聽世界Listen to the world from TW
原唱版本:Johnny Mathis's original version